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A list of links I like, want to keep or share.
Regex tester
Use attribute in CSS selector to prevent specific CSS selectors for View Transition names
Transitioning to auto
Merge existing codebases into a monorepo
Map Filter Reduce
Native page transitions in real life
Toegankelijkheid overzicht bij de overheid
CSS mutation observer
Why is Tailwind a bad idea
Scroll driven animations
Animate buttons with View Transitions
Closest Aspect Ratio
Inside the Git Folder
Module opperator
A lot of custom hooks
Floating labels for forms
Nice color pallets
Dates in JS
Handling Abstractions in code
ContainerQueries rundown
Responsive images
SvelteKit Routing
React Forms, explains multiple types of inputs
YouTube Thumbnail scraper
Autoplaying video (formats)
Console scripts
Leuke moestuin weetjes + shop
Write 1 sentence per line
GTM in Next.js
JS Statements VS Expressions
Aspect Ratio calculator
Simple but nice page transition
Accessibility pattern library (W3)
Ball potten (Seasonal homestead)
Functional programming (types), shared by Harmen
Vis kalender + bijvangst
Good on you (check sustainabillity brands)
All about Dates in JS
Diagrams/flowcharts in Markdown files
Favicon 202w
Details element improvement
Alternative to animate width and height
Storybook inspiration
CSS Gradients Deep dive
Core web vitals - case study and core explanation
Typography tips for 2022
Fluid type tool
How to support a junior
Animated grow item in grid
Ribbons on the web
Defensive CSS tricks
Fluent Typograph (tool)
Accessibility debunk arguments
Arguments to just make the site accessible
Width and height on images
Netlify on demand builders
ISR explained
Next.js Preview mode
Serverless functions tutorial
Drawings in design inspiration
JS Utils
Korrelige gradients
GTM in React/Next.js app
Design patterns game
↖︎ - Learn CSS and CSS reference
Check NPM Package Health
Generate favicon
FFMPEG guide
React Hooks (a lot of useful examples)
http://next.isjs Images and SEO optimalization
A lot of motion inspiration website
How to choose a typeface
Better static site regeneration with Next.js
Accesible toggle
Ally style guide (with components)
Component gallery!
CSS Underlines
Favicon genereren
Variable fonts fallback
React Hooks explained (YouTube)
CORS visualized
Learn eleventy with nunjucks (including blog)
Handling Long and short content with CSS
Favicon generation 2020
CSS Shadows generator
Annotate on the web (app.bubbles)
Self organising teams (Mirabeau)
JS question (good explanations for the basics)
Google font helper
ToDoist filters
GitHub Actions linter
Nice agency work
↖︎ (from Rik Schennink)
Random image generator
MutationObserver - Nice explenation
Accessibility In Chrome DevTools
Accessible and interactive SVG's
Dev tips
Web component examples
Node.js Mock API package
↖︎ (Photoshop on the web)
Home of alternative web design
Design inspiration by ReadyMag
Design book recomandation by Anna Petrova
Harry Roberts - blog
SVG Animation with clip path
Handling HTML templates with Custom Elements
Diagonal Layout with CSS
Vasilis‘s blog
Front-end Front
Smashing Magazine
Adactio blog by Jeremy Keith
SuperOrganizers Archive
Lion - ING component library
Don't use number inputs in HTML
What is a brand? - Matthew Ström
MonoLisa Dev font
Lea Verou - blog
Art direction on the web - Stephen Hay
Jen Simmons - Labs
Jen Simmons - Real art direction on the web
Jen Simmons - Create a grid like Jan Tschichold
Typography as Illustration - Andy Clarke
List or no list
CSS Grid - auto sizing columns
Personal website - Kristopher van Sant
Shapes of text examples
typo/graphic posteres
Test for accessibility in Chrome Dev Tools
Why use (R)EM to set font-size
Draw on the web with Apple Pencil
Remove Background from Image –