.panels-grid {
// Use CSS Griddisplay: grid;
// Set the columnsgrid-template-columns: auto 1fr auto;
// Define the areas
'side-panel main-panel annotation-panel';
// Set the transitionto the grid-template-columns (this is now possible)
transition: grid-template-columns 0.2s;
// Based on some data. Could be a data-attribute, class etc.
.panels-grid[data-grid='visible-normal-hidden'] {
// You do need to provide a fixed with.
// Tricks like calc-size(auto, size); (to have the contents of the panel determine the width) are not possible with grid.
grid-template-columns: 20vw1fr 0;
Main panel is nicely animating along. Possible to use container queries to style the
contents of that panel
Animation feels smooth
You need to set fixed width to the panes for the panels. Not sure if that's nice
You need to add another animation to the content of the right pane, otherwise the text
will still be partly visible
Ensure the content from the panes can set the width of the panel
Side panel
Main panel
Annotation panel
Action panel
The solution in short
.panels-grid {
// Create a flexbox layout
display: flex;
.main-panel {
// Have this panel take up the remaining space
flex: 1;
.side-panel, annotation panel {
// Ensure ist's not visible by default. Could also be display: none; with newer tech.
width: 0;
// Set the transitionto the width. Still feels odd!
transition: width ease-in-out 0.2s;
.side-panel[data-visible='true'], annotation panel[data-visible='true'] {
// Set the widthto the size of the contents (new CSS trick)!
width: calc-size(auto, size);
This works, and with width: calc-size(auto, size);, the contents of the panel
will determine the width of the panel. But, animating the width property is not
something I want to do and it's also already showing some lack in the speed of the animation.
AI generated solution
Let's check if AI can solve this in a better way!?
Middle Panel Content This text will adapt based on container width
In short, no.
The animation (especially the moving-away animation) is bad. I will stop the experiment here
because AI isn't providing any quality options .