Stylelint property order
Enforce a consistent order for properties in CSS/SCSS files with Stylelint.
To enable this you need to add the following dependencies
// .stylelintrc.js
module.exports = {
plugins: ["stylelint-prettier", "stylelint-order"],
// ...Your config
rules: {
// ...Your rules
"order/order": [
type: "at-rule",
name: "if",
type: "at-rule",
name: "else if",
type: "at-rule",
name: "else",
type: "at-rule",
name: "supports",
type: "at-rule",
name: "include",
parameter: "bp-min",
hasBlock: true,
type: "at-rule",
name: "include",
parameter: "bp-max",
hasBlock: true,
type: "at-rule",
name: "include",
parameter: "bp-min-max",
hasBlock: true,
type: "at-rule",
name: "include",
parameter: "reduced-motion",
hasBlock: true,
type: "at-rule",
name: "include",
parameter: "high-contrast",
hasBlock: true,
type: "at-rule",
name: "include",
parameter: "print",
hasBlock: true,
type: "at-rule",
name: "media",
{ severity: "error" },
"order/properties-order": [
// Content
// Visibility or preventing visibility
// Positioning
// Flexbox and Grid
// Columns
// Width and height
// Margin and padding
// List
// Background and colors
// Cursors
// Typography
// Borders
// Box...
// Outline
// Clipping and Masks
// View transitions
// Transforms
// Transitions
// Animations
// Others
unspecified: "bottom",
severity: "error",